與三位資深創業家公談會 | 三和一善


Founded by three senior entrepreneurs, Founder of Synergic Groups LLC and Cyoutec Corporation from Japan, Kazuyoshi Miwa, also a founder of Macau Tongxin International Charity Association, Ye Weixiong, founder of Macau Guide, an e-commerce service website, and Keze Technology, a VR/AR service provider Zhang Fengrui will have a chat with the Apple business team and Startup Weekend Macao to share their entrepreneurial experience, talk about some entrepreneurial factors, and discuss the opportunities new technologies bring to startups.* This activity will be conducted in Cantonese.




三位資深創業家,日本的 Landmark Group Cyou-tec Corporation、澳門童欣國際慈善會的創辦人 三和一善、電子商貿服務網站澳門指南創辦人葉偉雄,以及 VR/AR 服務供應商克茲科技創辦人張鋒銳,將與 Apple 商務團隊及 Startup Weekend Macao 進行交談會,分享他們的創業經驗,並會暢談一些創業要素,更會探討新科技為初創企業帶來的機遇。

*   此活動將以粵語進行


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